With our option of organization service, we help you order
your home, to organize your move and unpack, to organize your home for greater efficiency, or simply to help you stay organized. At Sparkling Clean Maid Service Our cleaners and organizers briefly evaluate your situation and develop a strategy for your organization to be carried out in a prudent time frame.
Below is a general description of the different organizations. If you do not see what you are looking for next, do not hesitate to ask us! This may seem an overwhelming task, and there is not a single answer for everyone. We can help you take this step, working with you to find a customized solution for your home.
Home organization
Answer: Store things you want to keep, identify things you do not want, control clutter and use more space.
Moving and unpacking
It implies: Supervise the removals, pack and unpack and organize the kitchen, cabinets and other spaces in your home.
Keep in mind that we charge extra for this service and you will find that an additional cost to the organization is standard throughout the industry. This option has only been available with a previous cleaning, but now we are accepting jobs only for organization.